看Lost (unofficial fansite) ,在Episode 3, Season II的最后, 他们在资料影片上看到必须每108分钟重置那个按钮, 而不按的后果具体是什么也不清楚,原来的“维护人员”Desmond也跑掉了...
Jack认为这只是一个谎言,走了出去,关上门,离开。Rocke一力想要做点什么,但一抬手,乒乒乓乓,不知什么吊到地上去了,只得有些绝望地抱头: Why is this happening like this? What am I supposed to do?!
Sayid修好了电脑,Jack回来时,只剩几分钟了,Rocke大叔想让Jack跟他共同承担起这个“工作”,Jack坚决不愿意不愿意。Rocke几 乎有些崩溃了: I can't do this alone, Jack. I don't want to. It's a leap of faith, Jack.
(WW) I810(0): config file hsync range 30-60kHz not within DDC hsync ranges. (WW) I810(0): config file vrefresh range 50-75Hz not within DDC vrefresh ranges. (II) I810(0): Generic Monitor: Using hsync range of 30.00-60.00 kHz (II) I810(0): Generic Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 50.00-75.00 Hz (II) I810(0): Not using mode "1280x960" (no mode of this name) (II) I810(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x768" (width too large for virtual size) (--) I810(0): Virtual size is 1024x768 (pitch 1024) (**) I810(0): *Built-in mode "1024x768" (**) I810(0): *Built-in mode "800x600"
Sidnei da Silva: Python and XUL: The Screenshot [«Mark Hammond just shown me a screenshot of Python and XUL. That's right, Python used as scripting language on our most beloved browser to create XUL interfaces.»]
This has got to be the funniest cause someone has ever requested donations for:
After we collect $400 in donations, we will take that money to a local Apple Store. We will purchase the iPod, open it right inside the store, and destroy it right on the spot. The whole thing will be shot on film, and displayed on this site. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site.
The $400 are raised, so expect the video anytime soon...
o - Compile a regular expression once If you ever end up with a really long regular expression, you can use this modifier to compile it before it's used. This means that long and complicated expressions don't have to be compiled each time they're used.
The only thing you must remember is that if you use this modifier, you are promising Perl that you won't attempt to change it while the script is running. If you do, it won't be taken into account. There won't be an example of how to use this modifier, since if you're able to write regular expression this long and complicated, you're way ahead of anything I could tell you in this article!
Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life to name a few, where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop till a key or keys is hit.
Now split into stable(1.9.15-1 this time) and testing(1.9.15-1t this time). At present, the testing version has gnomeprint support, some cygwin specific modifications and my undelete patch.
Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life to name a few, where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop till a key or keys is hit.
When writing a simple program to test the SOAP interface of our product, I found that the xml modules provided in Jython 2.1 was too buggy.
Although I know that after Jim Hugunin left, the development of jython became very stagnant, I still checked Jython's homepage and found that Jython 2.2alpha1 were out quietly in last month.
But after upgrading, I found that the XML modules now even totally removed in this release!
Fortunately enough on the jython-user mailing list , someone had just asked the same question, and David Hume said that he had written an implementation of the xml.dom API which acts as a thin wrapper for the Java libraries, which could be downloaded from here. It works very, even with Chinese characters (even CPython < 2.4 doesn't handle this well).
The GTK+ developers have announced a new initiative called "Project Ridley." The idea is to get rid of a number of the small libraries which follow GNOME applications around, merging their functionality into the core GTK+ toolkit. The end result will likely be the GTK+-3.0 release. More information can be found in the announcement (click below) or on the Project Ridley wiki page.
最近听歌听腻了,想用iPod来听英语了,然后就把《新概念英语》塞了进去,不过有时想听不明白时看看文字。想起原来试过PodLyrics, 它生成歌词文件时上方有mp3文件的链接,可以点击开始播放 (链接是这样的: 播放 A HREF="ipod:music?song=lesson 07&NowPlaying=true", 停止 A HREF="ipod:music?song=Tears in Heaven&NowPlaying=false")。
上周看《神探阿蒙》(Monk),里面那个大大咧咧的警长在LA喝醉了酒,第二天回头追查一个案子线索时一个胖女人非说他头晚在酒吧间唱歌唱得很不错,不仅深情,而且还有声情并茂的舞蹈动作,非要他再唱一遍才肯告知破案线索。居然就是这首Ain't No Sunshine, 笑死我了。
P.S 怎么我喜欢的英文歌大都是70年代的?
Ain't No Sunshine
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone It's not warm when she's away Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long Anytime she goes away
Wonder this time where she's gone Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Anytime she goes away
And I know, I know... Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone,
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Only darkness everyday Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home Anytime she goes away Ain't no sunshine Ain't no sun Ain't no sun Ain't no sunshine when she's gone Anytime she goes away Ain't no sun she's always gone too long
Sarge刚发布不久,就在Planet Debian上看见了Ian Murdock的这篇Where we should go from here (原标题为Where should we go from here?,两相对比,有点意思)。但因为有点长,对于英文的东西我还是有点怵,当时就没仔细看,但毕竟是"Debian之父"写的,应该有价值,所以今天找时间读了一遍。
其大意是说,sarge发布了,我们得想想以后的路怎么走,他认为: a. 还是应该保持定期发布(12-18个月的周期比较合适); b. 更加专注于核心功能,让各个衍生版本可以联合起来。
似 乎没有必要讲ISO的内容完全解开,Knoppix早就支持直接使用硬盘上的ISO文件,只需要在grub的menu.lst或者lilo的 lilo.conf里面kernel行添加如下一个参数就可以了(关于如何从grub for dos或者lilo调用Knoppix的kernel和initrd, 参见我前面的帖子)
english translation:
Ultimate way to boot knoppix without burning a CD?
It seems that knoppix already support this. No need to unpack the ISO, just use one magic word in grub's menu.lst or lilo.conf (add as a parameter to the 'kernel' line):
(see my old post for how to boot with knoppix's kernel and initrd from grub for dos)
Easthero told me just now. I haven't tested it yet.
"xCHM is a .chmviewer for UNIX (Linux, *BSD, Solaris). Success stories of xCHM on Mac OS X have also been received, and apparently xCHM even works if compiled under the Cygwin environment in Windows."
"kchmviewer is a CHM (Winhelp) files viewer written on Qt/KDE. It can be build as a standalone Qt-based application, or a KDE application. The main point of kchmviewer is compatibility with non-English chm files, including most international charsets."
I prefer to gnochm, as the UI fits better in the GNOME desktop. As a minimalist, and taken CJK support into account, xchm and kchmviewer seems to be a good choice. If you don't care the UI, then choose archmage.
gtk1的东西还是基于cygnome的, 毕竟cygwin官方包里的gtk缺乏支撑包,而cygnome又比较稳定。(原来在release/目录下提供过一个用cygwin net release的gtk-1.2的包编译的sylpheed-claws,现在已经删除了。)近期如果有空的话,还打算针对cygnome做一次更新,主 要解决python-gnome-1.x的问题。
晚上搭车,车上在放Terminator II: The Judgement Day, 又看见了Robert Patrick。记得当初看这部片子时很不喜欢这个液态金属人: 尖尖的下巴和耳朵,随时罩个小圆墨镜,一点表情没有,一看就是个冷血的东西。(那时喜欢的当然是Arnold Schwarzenegger, 在这部片子里面酷毙了)。
后来看The X Files, 第七季之后David Duchovny突然不演了,换上了T2里面这个液态金属人,本来以为这下没有什么可看的,没想到第八季,还不觉得太差,也许部分是因为对于前面Mulder和Scully这个组合看多了有些生腻,正好换换口味。
到了第九季,开始喜欢上Doggett这个人物了。尤其在John Doe那 一集,那个墨西哥老头吸走他的记忆,后来也很替Doggett感到痛苦,因为他发现Doggett的心里有so much pain,他问道: "Why would you want to struggle, so long, and hard, to get that pain back?" 但Doggett坚持要找回自己的记忆,"Because it's mine". 如果说其他几集让Duchovny来演或者Patrick来演都行的话,至少这几集换作Duchovny就没法看了,感觉Duchovny还是接近一个偶 像派,象Doggett这个经历过沧桑的角色他没法演出来。
As Debian doesn't have the gnome2 version of gnome-commander, I have to build it by self.
But the problem is a function called _gtk_clist_create_cell_layout is used by the gnome2 version gnome-commander. The symbols started with an '_' are private symbols of gtk2, they should not be used by applications (in old days, these symbols are also exported by gtk2 on some distributions, but not debian).
I just found Mandrake provides this version of gcmd, thus I download the SRPM, and found the patch from it.
我新买的laptop装不上Debian(安装基本系统后重启时死在加载usb-uhci模块这个地方),为此苦恼了好久。在网上查过,没看见这个 型号的成功案例,一些类似的型号说是要先在BIOS里面禁用对legacy USB device的支持,我打开BIOS,只有时间、启动顺序这几个选项,其他的都没有。也试过用expert模式安装,或者用Knoppix光盘启动后修改 modules.conf等文件禁用usb-uhci等模块,都不好使。:-(
晚上在QQ上网友Cedric说可以试试Ubuntu。也 不是没有想过这个,我在本本上试过Ubuntu的Live CD,感觉相当不错。但我担心它的软件少,我是懒得什么东西都来自己编译(本来KDE是可以不用的,但最近发现刻录光盘gnomebaker还是不如 k3b稳定)。而且原来在slashdot上看见一篇Is Ubuntu a Compatibility Nightmare for Debian,也就认定它跟Debian还是不怎么兼容,没有再去试。Cedric倒是说debian的源都可以用,看来还是要试试。
后来又下载过两次新版本,感觉这个东西是在往Delphi的方向上靠,整体界面的布局,库文件的名称、内容,类的功能几乎都是Delphi的方式(其实Free Pascal的语法也是这样在往上面靠,上面的新闻对应的讨论里面有人说: "The later Object Pascal versions of the language is actually very nice to use in most respects. There are features in OP7 from Borland that I would die for in C++ or Java (methods attached transparently for property get/set). ")。