
iPod惹谁了 :-)

(I) 反对iPod的网站

InternetWired News Blog上面写到,iPod所产生的效应越来越大,反对的声浪也越来越汹涌,甚至还有人专门架设了一个反对iPod的网站,口号是iPods Suck!里面给出了不少极端却不乏趣味性的海报,甚至在贩卖印有iPods Suck的T恤和茶杯。关于衣服和茶杯,制作者说这是用来散播仇恨的----用合适的价格卖给你这些东西帮你在憎恨iPod的路上走的一帆风顺。

(II) smashmyipod.com - You donate, we smash!

This has got to be the funniest cause someone has ever requested donations for:

After we collect $400 in donations, we will take that money to a local Apple Store. We will purchase the iPod, open it right inside the store, and destroy it right on the spot. The whole thing will be shot on film, and displayed on this site. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site.

The $400 are raised, so expect the video anytime soon...
