
新闻: Slackware删除GNOME

经过数月的争议后,Patrick终于还是决定将GNOME从Slackware中删除,原因是"GNOME takes a lot of time to package, so this move should allow more time to be spent on the rest of Slackware&quot.

虽然Dropline GNOME等的存在也是一个诱因,虽然我喜欢GNOME界面的简洁,但GNOME安装之麻烦似乎也是不争的事实:

"How ironic, seeing that Gnome tries to be the simplest and easiest to
use full-featured desktop on Linux. I guess easy to use doesn't mean
easy to package."

"At one point, I had a printout of all the deps for Gnome. It was a huge
spiderweb of tangles that had to be decoded and followed exactly to get
Gnome to build."

"Have you ever tried to build GNOME?! Just take a look at the build scripts [uky.edu] for the two in Slackware. KDE has a unified build script. GNOME is a dependency nightmare."

时候也是被六、七十个包搞得晕头,后来部分包被Gerrit P. Haase和Yaakov Selkowitz加入了cygwin正式版本,

不过从讨论中来看XFCE倒是获得了众口一致的好评。嗯,看来有必要更新cygwin port了。


Removed from -current, and turned over to community support and distribution. I'm not going to rehash all the reasons behind this, but it's been under consideration for more than four years. There are already good projects in place to provide Slackware GNOME for those who want it, and these are more complete than what Slackware has shipped in the past. So, if you're looking for GNOME for Slackware -current, I would recommend looking at these two projects for well-built packages that follow a policy of minimal interference with the base Slackware system:



There is also Dropline, of course, which is quite popular. However, due to their policy of adding PAM and replacing large system packages (like the entire X11 system) with their own versions, I can't give quite the same sort of nod to Dropline. Nevertheless, it remains another choice, and it's _your_ system, so I will also mention their project:


Please do not incorrectly interpret any of this as a slight against GNOME itself, which (although it does usually need to be fixed and polished beyond the way it ships from upstream more so than, say, KDE or XFce) is a decent desktop choice. So are a lot of others, but Slackware does not need to ship every choice. GNOME is and always has been a moving target (even the "stable" releases usually aren't quite ready yet) that really does demand a team to keep up on all the changes (many of which are not always well documented). I fully expect that this move will improve the quality of both Slackware itself, and the quality (and quantity) of the GNOME options available for it.

Folks, this is how open source is supposed to work. Enjoy. :-)
