- python in a nutshell 看了一些章节,咋觉得讲语言部分还不错,库就讲得不咋样了,常常只是罗列函数说明
- (s)mplayer的画面效果似乎比totem(-xine)好得多,但我总觉得进度条有很大问题,尤其是播放有多个章节的DVD的时候...
- 发现DownThemAll升级后有个bug,得先打开dta主界面,否则直接添加下载任务,就会卡在”加载中...",死翘翘了...
- ROX选文件时可用表达式,比如'*.rmvb' and size > 100m and mtime after 3 day ago
- ROX Tips: `-open terminal, /-go to path, !-execute command, ?-select by conditions
- @easthero 笔和纸是硬件,我说的是软件 :-)
- 我觉得最强大的笔记软件是TiddlyWiki,不过不适合普通用户,适合geeker和hacker
- 刚才的话是别人说的,但于我心有戚戚焉 http://muammar.me/blog/inde......
- Lenny 要发布了,I am anxious to see ... a bunch of new versions of packages in unstable, so that my system will be more funny than it is....
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