- Etch只能采用GNOME 2.14了,想要2.16就只能等backport了
- Debian Installer出了第一个RC
- 新的签名密钥,这篇Secure APT讲得比较详细
- IceWeasel出现在unstable了
- 新的软件包
- bashdb ― BASH debugger.
- bmpx ― Beep Media Player eXperimental.
- bouml ― UML2 tool box to specify and generate code.
- dissy ― Graphical frontend for objdump.
- gcin ― GTK+ based input method platform for Chinese users.
- iceweasel ― Lightweight web browser based on Mozilla.
- toilet ― Display large colourful characters in text mode.
- xmlindent ― XML stream reformatter.