
xp? sawfish?


来自deviantART的winxp theme: Opus,至少可以让你的Windows XP的窗口边框小很多,节省不少空间(反正这之前我的xp都是设置为传统样式,而不用XP的缺省风格――我就不明白,M$新增了theme功能,怎么就不能提供一个好一点的缺省theme?)


gnochm: show me the icons

去年我把Inside the X网站上提供的所有The X Files的对白都弄了下来,然后打包成了一个CHM文件

最近在重看《X档案》的主线部分,就是有关黑油、外星殖民、超级战士的,在Inside the X主页上有星号标记的。为了方便,当初我做CHM时也将目录树中的节点用了特殊的图标。




iPod惹谁了 :-)

(I) 反对iPod的网站

InternetWired News Blog上面写到,iPod所产生的效应越来越大,反对的声浪也越来越汹涌,甚至还有人专门架设了一个反对iPod的网站,口号是iPods Suck!里面给出了不少极端却不乏趣味性的海报,甚至在贩卖印有iPods Suck的T恤和茶杯。关于衣服和茶杯,制作者说这是用来散播仇恨的----用合适的价格卖给你这些东西帮你在憎恨iPod的路上走的一帆风顺。

(II) smashmyipod.com - You donate, we smash!

This has got to be the funniest cause someone has ever requested donations for:

After we collect $400 in donations, we will take that money to a local Apple Store. We will purchase the iPod, open it right inside the store, and destroy it right on the spot. The whole thing will be shot on film, and displayed on this site. This is only a social experiment, for the entertainment of the donors, and visitors of this site.

The $400 are raised, so expect the video anytime soon...


regex compilation in Perl

昨天写一个简单的perl脚本处理一个比较大的文本文件时,觉得速度不太理想。想到regular expression多次匹配也许会有一些影响,记得不会变化的reg.ex.是可以编译的,编译后的执行速度应该会快一些,python里面的re模块 就提供compile函数。但对于perl,却不记得有这么个东西,在perl的帮助里面找了半天也没有找到。


o - Compile a regular expression once
If you ever end up with a really long regular expression, you can use this modifier to compile it before it's used. This means that long and complicated expressions don't have to be compiled each time they're used.

The only thing you must remember is that if you use this modifier, you are promising Perl that you won't attempt to change it while the script is running. If you do, it won't be taken into account. There won't be an example of how to use this modifier, since if you're able to write regular expression this long and complicated, you're way ahead of anything I could tell you in this article!


原来一直用gtkpod管理ipod, 用beep-media-player放音乐,对于GNOME自带的rhythmbox反倒几乎没有用过。但如今才发现它也有读取ipod播放列表的功能,而且略微留意一下就会发现,它原来是在仿iTunes。




这年头,什么spam都有。我这里被comment spam折腾得不敢再开comment功能(看来我得考虑换一个地方写blog了),刚才看新的一期 Debian Weekly News,上面说Debian Wiki也正在被Wiki spam骚扰。


Tilda and FPS

Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life to name a few, where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop till a key or keys is hit.

让我回忆起当初奋战Quake 3的快乐时光:-).

My Cygwin Repository Updated

Updated: sylpheed-claws-gtk2-1.9.15

Now split into stable(1.9.15-1 this time) and testing(1.9.15-1t this time). At present, the testing version has gnomeprint support, some cygwin specific modifications and my undelete patch.

Note you need to update your libetpan to 0.39.

New: tilda-0.09.1

Tilda is a Linux terminal taking after the likeness of many classic terminals from first person shooter games, Quake, Doom and Half-Life to name a few, where the terminal has no border and is hidden from the desktop till a key or keys is hit.

New: xfdiff-4.3.4

xfdiff was a component of xffm, but now returns as an independant tool.