
Windows上的Iceweasel :-)


这几日不在家,在朋友家的机器上上网时不习惯IE, 想装一个Firefox,但一不小心下载了一个英文版本。因为带宽不咋样,也就没再去下载简体中文版,我想在网上找单独的简体中文XPI包,但找了半天没有找到。


本来我开始也没有想到这个问题,偶然一低头,咦? 任务栏上怎么有个Iceweasel :-)


TCShell2 1.5.6

TCShell2: Associate your archives with Total Commander

Changes from 1.5.2
* Now based on ProgMan13's 1.3.6 (he didn't publish it on totalcmd.net), which
+ Added support for different wincmd.ini
+ Fixed bug while parsing command line
+ Guess location of wincmd.ini (COMMANDER_INI, then registry, then totalcmd.exe's path)
+ Added an edit box to show the command line

Download (source code included)


If you have Total Commander, then you don't need WinZip, WinRAR any more. These archives can be opened and handled in TC.

But some times, you may wonder: If I need to launch an archive file from my download manager, or from my e-mail, I really need an application to handle the association.

No problem, actually you can associate .zip with Total Commander, TC would take the command line parameter as directory name.

Then another problem comes that how can you associate .zip/.rar/.7z with TC? Yes, you can always do that by editing registry. But it's not handy.

Now try TCShell2, the modified version of TCShell, which can also handle archives supported by packer plugins. (Don't associate TC with some important extensions, such as .exe, .chm)

Code based on ProgMan13's code for TCShell-1.3.6. Thanks for his generious to allow me to use his code.

A few GNOME tips

  • 在bash中,可以用alt-b和alt-f在命令行上跳到前一个单词或者后一个单词,但GNOME Terminal里面alt-f就会激活"文件(F)"菜单, alt-b会激活"标签(B)"菜单,就用不上这个技巧了么?
    • 解决方法: 菜单"编辑->快捷键",在打开的对话框中勾上”禁用所有菜单访问键"

  • 我一般用totem播放视频,但有时字幕会显示不正常,字变得特大,导致只有前面几个字能看到。于是我改用mplayer来播放,但mplayer对这部DVD显示画面又不正常,上下拉得很长。我选择4:3或者16:9,它只调解窗口,有效画面还是那个样子 :-(
    • mplayer加上-zoom选项可以打开软件调节显示比例的功能,缺省只能依赖video driver中接入的硬件调节功能(说是基于性能方面考虑)

  • 在GNOME Terminal中穿梭了半天,突然想用GUI程序打开某个文件,怎么办?打开nautilus文件管理器,然后再定位到那个文件,再双击? 那样太麻烦了吧。
    • 我以往都是用rox来打开(在命令行上输入rox somefile),并不会带出来一个rox窗口这也是无意发现的功能。不过这又需要在rox中对文件类型关联了合适的程序
    • 刚在gnome邮件列表上看见的解决办法: gnome-open path/to/file